Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Inks & Holes.

Ever since I was little I was fascinated with tattoos and piercings. I was in the 6th grade when I wanted my nose pierced sooo badly. It wasn't until I was 18 that I could finally get it. I now have it pierced twice on the same side. two little studs :) I currently have 13 piercings. I use to have 15 but I no longer have my tongue and septum pierced. My recent piercing was a dermal, usually known as an anchor or anti-eyebrow dermal. To be honest it was a pretty easy piercing, i'd do it again.

Here's a picture when I only had it for about 5 days....

yes, the piercing gave me a black eye! I was warned, but thank goodness for concealer! haha I love it, it's so cute and it doesn't bother me at all. I've had it for about a month now and sometimes I forget it's even there. love it!

As of right now I have 9 tattoos. I got my first one a couple months after turning 18. Most you can't see unless I make it visible. I got my latest one this past saturday at Sideshow tattoo.

My best friend Samia and her boyfriend Nelson came along with me!

It had been a little over a year since my last one and I was SO excited! I had been wanting this tattoo for a while now and I couldn't had been more pleased with it

The finished results! Don't mind the blood haha. 4 cupcakes for my 4 younger sisters. I love cupcakes, and my sisters are cute, sweet, and yummy just like cupcakes :) Right now it's pretty swollen. I walk with a limp haha it's cute. I'd have to say as far as all my other tattoos this one was the most sensitive. I would do it all over again though. There were only a couple times when I had to close my eyes and breathe, but for the most part it wasn't that bad!

As far as piercings go I believe i'm done with them. I've gotten all the ones I've really wanted and i'm satisfied with them :)

Tattoos on the other hand i'm almost there but not quite. I know what all I want to get so now I just need to get them. I'm hoping by the end of the year i'll have them all :)

Monday, September 12, 2011

My name is Chelsi, i'm 21, and i'm addicted to peanut butter.

This is how you know when you are truly addicted to something.

One day on my lunch break I went back to my place to grab something to eat. I opened one of the cabinets and saw some skippy creamy peanut butter (the absolute best) and I couldn't resist. I got myself a big spoon and started eating spoonfuls of it. I finally told myself I needed to stop so I decided just one more spoonful and i'm done. I closed my eyes and started eating it and I was completely "in the moment" feeling it go down my lungs and then I said YUM. I opened my eyes and realized what had just happened and asked myself did that just happen? Yes. Yes it did. I then knew how addicted I truly am to peanut butter.

Usually when you eat something too often you start to get sick of it and need a break. Not for me. At least not with peanut butter. I remember when I was younger coming home from trick-or-treating, dumping my candy out and trading with my siblings. I always ended up with just reese's peanut butter cups. my favorite candy ever. still to this day, I can't get enough of them.

I had a craving and couldn't resist....

I believe they were having a 3 for 1.00 deal and I had to go crazy with the reese's. I'm also in love with  the white reese's peanut butter cups. nom nom nom.

Once again I had a craving.... I like to mix things up every now and then ;)

Dark chocolate isn't my favorite, but it was pretty good! I would have to say my favorite though are the reese's big cup! the bigger the better :D

I came across this while shopping and had to try it out....

I love peanut butter, and I love chocolate so why not!?? Of course it was amazing! I had also gotten some jiffy puff and putting both of those on a graham cracker was to die for. pretty sure I ate a whole pack in one sitting. BEWARE: it's addicting. pretty much anything with peanut butter is addicting to me :)

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Starting fresh.

You are never too old to learn. You are always growing and progressing. I believe you really do "learn something new everyday" I've learned a lot about myself lately. mainly with guys. I'm a girl with morals and standards. I'm also very picky. I thought being picky was good, but i've learned i've been too picky. I won't even go out on a date with a guy unless I'm somewhat attracted to him or have interest. But how are you suppose to even know you are if you don't know him that well? Everyone deserves a chance, you never know. I've always wondered what was wrong with me, why can't I find a guy and then keep him.

This is what i've recently realized....

I've built up some heavy walls and I don't let myself be vulnerable with guys. I don't show how much I like or care about a guy cause i'm afraid of being hurt. But if I don't let those walls come down and open up and let myself be vulnerable with a guy i'll never find the one. If I do get hurt, that just means he's not the one for me because the guy that is won't hurt me.

It's a new week and i'm starting fresh. I'm giving more guys chances and letting myself open up and be vulnerable. I'm trying something new, something i've never let myself do before. And for once I can say i'm pretty happy where I'm at.

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Whose going to color my hair now?

My very good friend, Melissa is moving to Portland next Sunday to go to the Art Institute of Fashion. She recently graduated from hair school this past summer. Ever since fall of 2009 i've been having her do my hair. She's amazing! She's great with color it always turns out so good, and she gives the BEST head massages when washing your hair.

Here's a picture to show how great she is! This past spring Melissa and Jill asked if I would be their model for a fashion show. My character was the Queen of Hearts. They did an amazing job with my hair and make-up!

Tonight we threw a surprise going away dinner for her at Old Chicago. She was SO surprised. It's going to be hard when she leaves, but i'm so proud and happy for her. This has been her dream for years and it's finally coming true. She's got a good head on her shoulders and is such a hard worker I know that she's going to go far in her career. 

Oh how I do love this girl so much! This just means i'll have to start taking road trips down to Portland to visit her, and who doesn't like road trips!??

Friday, September 9, 2011

My favorite yummy treat.

My absolute favorite treat to get is frozen yogurt. I love how you can make it as healthy as you want it or unhealthy as you want. Self-served are the best. I love sampling all the flavors, even though I know what i'll end up with. See, I like to take advantage of these free samples. I sample all, some flavors more then once, shhhh ;) but then I always get tart with blueberry if they have it and top it off with strawberries, blueberries, strawberry crackle, and those juice balls (forgot what they're called).

I love froyo to the point that I have 7 punch cards.

Yes, I have 2 free ones waiting for me! One at U-Swirl and one at Blue Cow. I'm waiting until I feel like going crazy with my froyo on those ones though ;)

After coming back from Utah and having it every single day I ended up having it again here in Boise the very next day. I met up with one of my very good friends, Emily! We went downtown and had sushi at Yoi Tomo's then froyo at Aspen Leaf for dessert.

My froyo at Aspen costs me a little over $9 bucks! Usually at most places it's only 39 cents an ounce, but here it's 44. Doesn't bother me though. Like I said, I LOVE my froyo!

My delicious froyo...

Emily captured the best picture of me...

My spoon didn't have any on it, but my mouth sure was ready! haha If you live in the boise/meridian/eagle area of Idaho and want a healthy, yummy treat I highly recommend trying out U-Swirl, Aspen Leaf, Blue Cow, and Spoon Me all self-served. U-Swirl and Aspen being the best!

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Cause all I want is everything you're not.

This is how I was feeling..

Trying to get over someone is never fun nor is it easy. Especially when you had just casually refreshed your newsfeed on facebook and saw that the boy you liked went from being "single to in a relationship" so naturally you start creeping on his page to find out who the girl is. You find the girl then immediately start creeping on her page to find out that not only was he hanging out with you this past summer, but that girl too. Sure it's easy to blame the girl rather then the boy, but she had no idea that I existed, just like I had no idea she existed. You want to blame the guy, but even then you can't cause you guys were never seeing each other exclusively.

You know the saying "you always want what you can't have" that's how I feel. I didn't want him before. Actually that's a lie, I did. I just acted like I didn't to everyone that knew about him. I didn't want to get hurt. I thought he was different. He was fun. But then I received a certain text from him that turned me off. It made me question if he really liked me or if he just wanted to get with me, so I pulled myself away and acted like I had no interest. But then as soon as I saw he wasn't available, I wanted him.

The more I sat and thought about it to myself the more I missed him and wanted to be with him. But then the more I talked about it with my best friend the more I realized I didn't want him. To be honest there were a lot of things I didn't like about him. I mainly just liked having a guy there, a guy to hang out with, a guy to text. Then I realized what I liked most was the attention I was getting. There, I admit it, I liked knowing that someone had interest in me. I knew I could of had him if I showed more interest. But thinking about how you want something to be doesn't mean that's how it's going to end up. If it's not how you want it to be then leave, you can't force it to be a certain way.

So i've decieded I'm leaving and moving on. I'm taking this as a learning experience and realizing what I want in a guy and what I don't. I wish you two the best, and if It doesn't work out don't come running back to me because i've realized that all i want is everything you're not.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Utah: A lovely get-away.

Right after I got off work on Friday Sept. 9th I hit the road and started my journey to Utah. I hadn't had a break from my job during summer and I sure was ready for one. Why Utah? My buff (best friend) Allie boo lives there. Last February she got a job oppurtunity down there and packed her bags and went for it. I needed some best friend time. Every day we had sushi and froyo, sometimes twice. It was amazing. I'll sum up my fun little vacation for you.

Since Allie had to work on Saturday I spent the day shopping at South Towne Mall. Now it was only suppose to be about a 10 minute drive, but give me the easiest directions and I always get lost. It took me an hour and a half! Yes, you heard right. In Utah they use the freeway to get from town to town. West freeway, East freeway....CONFUSING. Somehow after so many exits and loops I found it. By then I was ready to do some serious shopping damage. That night we met up with a few of Allie's friends from work and had sushi. We then went out for a night on the town. Total different scene then Boise. Made friends with some guys who owned an escort system HAHAHA. One of the guys, Travis, offered me to work if I were to move down, but he said I looked like a girl who has self respect for myself and is real. Thank you, I take that as a compliment because I do and I am.

Sunday we went to the Gateway Mall. Allie's boyfriend, Robert, came along too. We had sushi there, then froyo, then saw Apollo 18. It was pretty good. It didn't get good ratings but I enjoyed it. After that we walked around Gateway.

During the day they have water shooting up, but at night it was all lit up. Allie told me if I stepped on all the lights a unicorn would gallop down the stairs. I stepped on all the lights and no unicorn showed up :(  Why a unicorn? Well, that's another story i'll have to share sometime :)

Allie doesn't work mondays so guess what we did! We went and had sushi and froyo ( see, I wasn't kidding about having it every day) In Utah their TCBY's are self-served frozen yogurt. YUM YUM! We then went and saw Bridesmaids. That movie was beyond funny, SEE IT!

Tuesday came so fast. Too fast. Before I knew it I was on the road again back home. But I was grateful for the time I had. For all the venting I did, and great advice I got from my buff. She's the best friend I could ever ask for.

Learning to love myself.

I've always believed you have to learn to love yourself before you can truly love someone else. I'm the type of girl that when someone says something positive about me it goes in one ear and out the other. I always find something negative I don't like about myself. I hate it. It's not how I want it to be. I'm working on it. Looks aren't everything. "Beauty is only skin deep" and I honestly believe in that. You find beauty in someone's soul. Who they are. That is what makes them beautiful.

The first thing about me i'm working on is my skin....

This is how I want to feel.

I HATE that i'm so pale. do you know how much money I spend on self tanners and all that junk just so I feel like I "fit in" or feel good about myself. It's ridiculous. One day, hopefully soon, i'll learn to love it.